Dec 3, 2007

Emergent Theologians

A friend of mine, Jonathan Brink, wrote an entry on his blog about the need for emergent elders. Great points were made and a biblical scan supports the call for emergent elders in efforts to more fully express who we are as a community. This also has me thinking about the need for emergent theologians. These would be brothers and sisters fascinated by the deep narratives of God's word, His language, His themes. They would also need the skills of a master story teller to gather the community and share of their travels and invite all to travel with them. Their theology won't be found in treatise and volumes, but in blog entries and fictional works. Their efforts directed at revelation of the magnetic force of the divine Narrative and how deep the Narrative runs in time and eternity. These are theologians without a title or position, they are theologians because they are theologians. Their ponderings happen in the trenches of life's warfare. They spare nothing to engage pain and suffering when it is presented, and work endlessly to understand how God is expressing Himself in our grief, suffering and inconvenience. Their thoughts and considerations are not blatant stabs at one's sources of guilt and shame, but a gentle and directed calling for those wanting to see Christ more fully exposed in their personal orthodoxy and ultimately in their personal orthopraxis. Do you know some of these theologians? Where can they be found?

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