Nov 6, 2007

Helpless, but not Hopeless

" I have not seen a patient who was not helpless, totally or partially. Patients are helpless to stop their pressures, they are helpless when they find themselves seized with air-hunger (panic attack) or night terror (rumminating thoughts). And if any patient claims to be helpless I shall not challenge the correctness of his statement. But when a patient declares himself hopeless I shall warn him that he has presumed to make a prognosis and has trespassed into my territory. The physician alone is capable of deciding whether a condition is hopeless or hopeful."

This quote is from Dr. Abraham Low, MD. He was a Jewish psychiatrist that founded an international organization called "Recovery Incorporated". He launched Recovery Inc. before Bill W. and A.A. were around. What I enjoy about his insights is that they are rabbinical in flavor. Rabbai first, psychiatrist second. I love the last sentence, "The physician alone is capable of deciding whether a condition is hopeless or hopeful." Great stuff!!! Sounds like something Jesus would say to us.

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