Loneliness, one of the most profound experiences a human can have. The experience of isolation, distance, and disconnect from others. It's Sunday morning, I have showered and readied for church, and this is what I am experiencing. In a few short hours I will be siting with 600 other people... I wonder how many of them experience loneliness? I guess the overcast sky might have something to do with it, or the fact that a busy holiday week is wrapping up. But maybe, just maybe, loneliness is visiting to remind me of something, to teach me about something more powerful than imagined, to guide me in a way of greater love. I don't like the feeling of loneliness, it's uncomfortable, never dangerous when kept in check, but always serves as a great encourager to be the one to reach out and connect meaningfully with others.
Jon, I really enjoy reading your words. They carry a sense of humility and brokenness, yet mirrored with hope and courage. Thank you for writing. And blessing.
Jeromy, thanks for the kind words. I had lunch with Jonathan today, and he ranted about how great the cohort gathering was. I am on for the next one most definitely! I will be keeping a look-out for the date and time of the next one.
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